2x240 GB SSD Hard Drives
2x480 GB SSD Hard Drives
2x240 GB SSD Hard Drives
What Is Dedicated Hosting?
Dedicated hosting is a service where the client rents an entire web hosting server exclusively for their use, without sharing system resources with anyone else. The main advantage of dedicated hosting over shared hosting is the increased power and flexibility. With dedicated hosting, clients have complete control and full autonomy over their online presence.
High-Quality Dedicated Hosting Solutions
Our dedicated hosting services allow you to choose the operating system for your server and run any compatible software thanks to the full root access and secure SSH connection provided. All our dedicated hosting packages come with powerful hardware setups, a robust network infrastructure, a dedicated IP address, and ample hard drive space, monthly traffic, and RAM allocations to support your growing web hosting needs. Each dedicated server also comes with a 99.9% uptime guarantee and free setup. You can benefit from advanced features like the Memcache distributed memory caching system and the Varnish Cache web accelerator. Additionally, we support PostgreSQL, NodeJS, and InnoDB, and offer a hosting control panel of your choice. The Hepsia and DirectAdmin panels are included for free, but you can opt for cPanel as an upgrade.
Additional Services and Upgrades
If you require assistance managing your dedicated server, you can take advantage of our managed services. These services vary by provider, but at The Blog Host, we offer up to 50GB of backup storage, weekly OS updates, server monitoring, custom software installation, and troubleshooting. These services are available during sign-up and can also be added later through your Dedicated Plan Manager tool.